The "Quick and Easy Veggie Meals Under a $1.50" FAQ
The "Quick and Easy Veggie Meals Under a $1.50" FAQ
Last Update - 8/3/96 (Converted to the WWW 4/8/96)
- Dehanced for the Netscape Impaired -
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- A Healthy Reminder
- Quick Cooking Tips
- Tips on Preparing Dry Beans, grains, and rice
- Beans
- Rice
- Beans and Rice
- Pasta
- Pizza
- Potatoes
- Salads
- Sandwiches
- Stir Fry
- Other Meals
- Credits
And, currently under construction... (...since 1996!!! don't hold your breath!)
Link now to the entire list of Quick and Easy Recipe Examples. The only recipe is for Jenny's Egg Drop Soup. You can include yours if you'd like. This page will be ACTIVELY under construction in the next few weeks and months, so look for changes soon. Like I said... nothing's happened since 1996!
Plus, I'm going to submit this site to Yahoo, Excite, and the other search engines once I feel the basics of a good page have been met. Look for heavy traffic soon. Nope, didn't do that either. But, is where I'd recommend going to promote a site.
Disclaimer: I have heard of a paperback book called "The Quick & Easy Vegetarian Cook Book", ISBN 0-87131-303-0. This FAQ is not connected in any way with this book, but it sounds like it fits in well with the theme. If you're connected with the book, please don't sue me! Thanks! :)
That's right... In a rush, don't eat meat, payday is still 2 days off? Well, consult this quick and easy veggie meals under $1.50 FAQ! You just can't go wrong! (Disclaimer: Some meals may cost you more than $1.50 and may take longer than 20 minutes! But, with practice and shopping skill, you should be able to meet those goals!)
"BUT WAIT," you say! "This FAQ doesn't have recipes."
Well, no, not exactly. This FAQ is a guide to change the way you look at being a vegetarian. By mixing together new bases (like beans and potatoes and paste) and new veggies with new spices, you can create exciting and healthy foods that will make your meat eating friends jealous. Don't worry about not having an "exact" recipe... YOU DON'T NEED ONE! Trust me. Still, I'm compiling a list of example recipes to get you started. Click here to see the unfinished page.
This list of meal suggestions has been compiled from posts to the MAXLIFE listserv. If you aren't on MAXLIFE and you get this list, well, there's only one thing I can say -- SIGN UP TO MAXLIFE!!! It _will_ be worth your while!
If you have any ingredients or meals to add to this list, well, then by all means, send them to me! Even better, post them to the entire MAXLIFE group. They'd love to know!
Jon (
Hi everyone! A lot of times in our society "quick and easy and cheap" really means unhealthy junk food. These recipes are meant to be quick, easy, cheap, _and_ healthy! However, many of them focus on processed foods which are deficient in vitamins. Sure, they may not have a lot of bad things, but they need good things too! So, the best way to get around this is to top with lots of fresh or frozen veggies whenever possible! (Canned foods have the nutrients cooked out of them in the canning process.) "Quick, easy, and cheap" are good things, but the reason we eat is for nourishment! Remember that, and you'll do great!
- "Saute Substitute"
- Heat chopped onions, green peppers, etc. for a slight time in the microwave to "soften". Also, fresh mushrooms can be "cooked" when nuked in a small dish of water.
- "Smaller = quicker"
- Instead of trying to cook one large solid item, cut it or break it into very small pieces. (Instead of a baked potato, try potato cubes!) Likewise, thin spaghetti will cook faster than thick.
- "Frozen, not fresh!"
- Sure, fresh is better, but often, preparing fresh vegetables is just not feasible. Frozen veggies can be stored "forever" and nuked quickly in small portions on an "as needed" basis. They may not be as crunchy, but it's better than _no_ veggies! Adding "green" and "yellow/orange" veggies to a meal is always good nutritionally.
Bulk beans, grains, and rice are always really cheap. Unfortunately, they often take a while to make. But, fortunately, they also are easy to keep once made. With that in mind, always make yourself a double, triple, or more batch and freeze the rest! In the long run, you'll save lots of money and lots of time!
(Special tip: You can get rid of the gas in beans! Soak them overnight and let some of the gas producing nutrients dissolve into the water. Then, drain the water and use it as a liquidized fertilizer on your garden, house plants, or flower bed!)
- Vegetarian Baked Beans (Bush's are great). Eat with whole wheat bread, small potato, and side of frozen vegetable.
- Vegetarian chili (starting with canned or pre-cooked beans)
Things to add
- Chili Powder, Cayenne Pepper, etc.
- Sauteed onions, green pepper, and garlic
- Canned Tomatoes or tomato paste
- Salsa or barbecue sauce
- Macaroni or other pasta
- Bac-O's or other fake bacon/ham bits
- Crumbled veggie burger (try Ground Meatless from Morningstar!)
- A full recipe, Brian's Great "Quick Chili", is found in the Other Meals section.
- Refried Beans for burrito's - Lots of great low/no fat types. Microwave beans and tortilla's separately. Add your favorite veggies, sauces, etc. Chunky salsa is quick when short on time.
(Tip: Brown rice instead of white will increase the nutrition value of the rice and is just as cheap.)
- Steamed Vegetables or Squash on rice
Topping ideas
- a little grated cheese
- lemon pepper
- oregano
- ground black pepper
- salsa and other sauces
- Anything! Just like potatoes, rice loves to be smothered.
(Tip: For a quicker version than steaming your veggies, take refrigerated, pre-cooked rice and microwave frozen veggies on top.)
- Black beans and rice:
- Cheaters version: heat can of beans in a pan, add garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper serve over rice.
- Non-cheaters: Saute real onions and garlic, then add beans.
- Red beans and rice: Saute a can (or two) of red beans in some oil with onions, garlic, and salt add two cups rice 4 cups water and a heaping teaspoon of fake veggie broth powder -- cover and let cook 20 mins. Serve with salsa. (Tip: You can add veggies to this too!)
- Refried beans & rice: Take a can of no-fat refried beans & add an equal amount of salsa. Add 10 oz. package frozen peas or fresh veggies. Put in pan & cook until hot. Serve over rice or toast.
(Tip: "Pre-sauce" pasta will store for a few days in the fridge if you keep it in a closed container. So just like beans, rice, and grains, cook extra pasta and then nuke for a quick pasta meal a few days later.)
- Cook frozen mixed veggies and serve them over pasta
- Spaghetti w/ canned sauce or your own. (Tip: For my money, Traditional Hunt's in a can is always the cheapest and best. Consumer Reports rated it as yummy as sauces costing 2 or 3 times more. No sugar added too!)
- Mac and Cheese
Topping ideas
- Broccoli
- mushrooms
- garlic
- oregano
- green pepper
- cayenne pepper
- Egg drop Ramen w/ veggies: Boil water, add Ramen, add fresh or frozen veggies (like green onions and frozen peas) and an egg or two. Stir till Ramen is done
- Tomatoes & Chiles Pasta: Add a can of tomatoes & chiles to your favorite pasta shape.
Possible garnishes/seasonings:
- Salt & pepper
- Fresh lime juice
- Coriander leaves, Basil leaves, Mint leaves
- Chives
- Garlic
- Curry powder (but not much!)
- Dough suggestions
- Martha Rose
- The kind in a tube that goes "Thuck" when you open it
- French Bread
- Bagel halves
- English Muffins
- Tortillas (for Quesadillas!)
- Sauce ideas: If you can't make your own or buy pizza sauce...
- Just use tomato slices and spices instead of sauce
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Topping ideas
- mushrooms
- all types veggies
- garlic salt
- cheeses
- anything! (You know the rest...)
- Potato-cauliflower curry (or other vegetable curry)
- Nuked/baked potatoes
Topping suggestions
- Salsa, barbecue sauce, ketchup, mustard, spaghetti sauce
- cayenne pepper, garlic powder, black pepper, etc.
- broccoli chunks
- stir-fried veggies
- homemade chili
- Cucumber Raita
- Cheese or cheese alternative (colby, swiss, parmesan)
- Bac-o's
- Low-fat sour cream and chives
- Anything! Potatoes are great for smothering with your
favorite taste!
- Sweet potatoes and yams. Nuke in small chunks and dash with marshmallow creme. (Tip: There's NO GELATIN in marshmallow creme!)
- Start with lettuce, cabbage, spinach, etc.
- slices of cheese
- hard-boiled eggs
- boiled potato chunks
- sliced tomatoes
- canned beans
- canned or marinated artichoke hearts
- pimientos
- peperoncini (and other hot peppers)
- veggie meat alternatives or fake bacon bits
- croutons, chinese noodles
- nuts
- sundried tomatoes
- any other vegetables you have lying around (like broccoli, carrots, asparagus, green, red, and yellow peppers, cucumbers
- sprinkle the whole thing with some vinaigrette
(Tip: Try to find really good bread with "pure" grains rather than the super bleached out/processed out flour. I find that it's worth it to buy the more expensive "heavy" breads. Much more healthy and yummy.)
- Grilled tempeh sandwiches
- Veggie patties (Tip: I prefer Morningstar's Better n' Burgers, Garden Veggie Patties, and Spicy Black Bean Patties. These are usually found in the frozen food section next to Egg Beaters, bagels, and waffles. Soy Boy's Okara Courage Burgers are also very cheap and very yummy.)
- Refried beans (Tip: Buy the no fat versions!)
Typical Building Supplies
- Garlic powder, cayenne pepper, dill, lemon pepper
- tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, pickles, green pepper
- barbecue sauce, mustard, catsup, mayonnaise, salsa
- lettuce and other leafy things
- sprouts
- potato chips, Chinese noodles
- "Base" suggestions
- Rice
- Couscous
- "Any starchy product" (from bread to pasta)
- Topping suggestions
- chopped up fresh or frozen veggies
- salsa
- add egg or two, fry rice until egg is done.
- broccoli
- cashew sauce
- squash
- onions
- Omelets (eggs, veggies,...)
- Hashbrowns w/ cheese, veggies, mushroom!
- Quinoa, millet, or other grain with veggies: saute grain in oil add water, simmer, add veggies - cook until done
- Couscous with veggies or spaghetti sauce: Put couscous in boiling water for 5 min. with a little tamari, salt, onion, and curry.
- Grits: Cook em' like normal then toss in some Tabasco sauce and salt and pepper
- Soups: Saute onions, garlic, etc. in oil. Then add canned tomatoes, more water, celery, carrot, basil, bay leaf, other vegetables, dried beans, barley, grains, potato, etc. Throw it all in a pot and cook for hours. Not strictly a 15 minute meal, but if you make a bunch, it will pay off.
- Brian's Great "Quick Chili": Combine the following in a large pot and simmer over an hour until lentils are soft: a diced potato, 2 sliced carrots, a chopped onion, 1 cup uncooked lentils, a 15 oz can kidney beans, a 16 oz can corn (or 2 cups frozen corn), a 28 oz can whole tomatoes, 2 cups vegetable broth or water, 2 minced cloves garlic, 2 TBSP chili powder, 1 tsp dried basil. Make extra and freeze! Serve over hot brown rice to extend servings.
Thanks to Scarlett, Brian, Lynda, Lorriane, Kelly, Alexandra, Robin, Robyn, Michael, Phil, Matt, Del, Julia, Jenny, and anyone I missed. Special thanks to Sharon and Penny of MAXLIFE. You all contributed to this FAQ whether you knew it or not! :)
To contribute to this FAQ, you can e-mail me directly at Please use a descriptive header so I know exactly what you are referring to.
(Note: "Proper" English would have made me write the end of that last sentence "...exactly to what you are referring.")
A cooler way to contribute is to subscribe to the list this FAQ comes from. All suggestions that I end up using will eventually end up on this list anyway, so you might as well join. Click here to find out more about MAXLIFE.
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Keywords: vegetarian recipe vegetable pasta chili rice bean grain cheap quick low fat healthy delicious easy vegan lacto ovo lacto-ovo simple soup salad pizza